
Review your computer’s security setting from time to time

What is Malware?

Malware (malicious software) is a generic term for different types of malicious code. Examples of malicious code include computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware & adware and ransomware. Potential damage can include modifying, destroying or stealing data, gaining or allowing unauthorised access to a system, and executing functions that a user never intended.

How to prevent?

Do not download icon
  • Do not download any programs or software onto your computer from suspicious sources, or click on the hyperlinks and attachments from questionable sources including malicious emails, SMS or MMS messages
  • Download and update the Bank’s Mobile Apps with “China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited” as the trusted and verified developer at the official application store only.

anti-virus and/or anti-spyware software icon
  • Install personal firewall, anti-virus and/or anti-spyware software programs in your computer and always run the programs before downloading programs or software or opening emails or SMSes
  • Regularly update your personal firewall, anti-virus and/or anti-spyware software programs and change your password
  • Use the latest versions of operating system, applications and browser

Do not share device icon
  • Do not use public/ shared computers or mobile devices to logon to Online Banking and Mobile Banking

Please refer to the information regarding technology crime provided by Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Please refer to the information regarding CyberDefender supported by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force

Protect your Personal Digital Keys; Beware of Fraudulent Links!
Don’t be tempted by quick money! Don’t lend your account to anyone for money laundering!